Cyber Monday is next week! The shopping event you have prepared for is now upon us. Are you prepared to list your items to more than just eBay? If not, we are here to help.

eCommerce Storefront

Months of preparation have gone into giving you the ability to list your items to your own eCommerce website. Not only can you list the same item on eBay Fixed Price, Craigslist and Amazon, but now you can sell your product on If this sounds like something you want to add right away, give us a call or send us an email and we will get you up and running in no time.

Listing on Amazon

If you are not familiar with listing on Amazon, there are some different guidelines to listing products. Not all used items can be listed and also certain categories require authorization from Amazon. If you want to start listing on Amazon through AuctionSound, go to Admin > Location and click the checkbox next to Amazon to get started. Follow this guide to help with this process.

Listing on Craigslist

This is the quickest and easiest way to market your products locally. List your unique items or items you do not want to ship here on Craigslist. If you want to start listing on Craigslist through AuctionSound, go to Admin > Location and click the checkbox next to Craigslist to get started.

Craigslist Best Practices:

Make sure you do not overpost to Craigslist and you list 15 items tops per day. If you list a lot of items, you may get flagged by the Craigslist community as being a spammer. Also, do not relist your items within a 3 day period or else Craigslist may ghost your IP address. Meaning, it will appear to you that the items are listed but they are not live to anyone else but you.