A week ago, CrossPostIt watched its sellers reach a major milestone — $200,000,000 in sales! As I anxiously watched the ticker hit, I thought to myself, “What were our sellers doing before they used CrossPostIt? Were they using a multi-channel listing software or manually listing?” Whatever the method was, they had to change and adapt to a new way of doing business when they came on board. It can be hard to make a change when you are conditioned to repetition over an extended period of time.

When I used to work at the gym, people would tell me all the time, “I want to lose weight; I need to get in shape.” In order to do that I’d tell them, “You have to change what you are doing now.” After offering suggestions of new exercises and diet habits, I found that the ones who were willing to try something new started see the results they were looking for. The ones stuck in their ways, well, they were saying the same things to me months later. I will be the first to admit, a successful change doesn’t happen overnight; we are still human. The acceptance of change and the willingness to take the first step, can be scary. But it’s not as scary as doing nothing at all.

Every day I talk to prospective clients who are searching for a marketplace software, many of whom are turbolisters in their respective space. The number one reason they are shopping around is because they are not satisfied with their current situation, frustrated by high vendor fees, their current software is not living up to expectations or they’re spending too much time listing to multiple platforms manually.

The majority of my prospects tell me that there is a communication gap between their business and their current software provider. If an issue arises they have to submit a ticket and may not get a response until 24 hours later. Getting someone on the phone to help is harder than it should be. As a software company, our philosophy is to help our customers every step of the way. You have access to live Tech Support and our knowledge base to make sure your questions answered. It is ok to ask for help and it is ok to accept change. Once you see the immediate results, you’ll be glad you did! If CrossPostIt has the philosophy to make your transition to a new way of doing business, a smooth and helpful one, what is there to be afraid of?