
This is John Howard the Product Manager over at SellerVantage.  Over the past few days there have been some pretty big changes to the application and we apologize for the lack of communication. We know change is sometimes difficult but we want to assure you that we will continue to listen and quickly react to deploy updates that may be disrupting your experience.

A new user interface to help you find the things that matter most to you. You can now see items in queue by marketplace in the “At A Glance” section. But don’t worry, the status lists are still available in the containers below.

New Items Table
Our new tables are truly unique and have some powerful features, by filtering, sorting, listing and allowing users to edit items quickly on the go.

We want to give users the ability to streamline the intake process. These high level categories are designed to help you quickly identify your items as well as drive an items specific attributes in the listing preparation page.  For instance, if you are selling a tire you are presented with the fields necessary to list that specific item type.

Thank you again for your patience and we look forward to working with you all in the future.

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