eBay has had the About Me pages for years and still only 25% of SellerVantage clients actually utilized it. I even created a post how making a great About Me page can boost SEO value for stores. Like a few other places in eBay, they are removing the ability to use your own HTML. For most people, this is a great decision because that was the intimidation factor why they never worked on it to begin with.
June 2, 2014 all About Me pages will be removed from eBay.

So tell me about this eBay: My World

Who has that friend (maybe you are THAT friend) who posts 10 eBay listings on their personal Facebook page? Or maybe their entire Twitter feed is nothing but:
Just Listed on #eBay: 1999 Furby Happy Meal Toy Set! LQQK here!
Nothing else makes me want to unfriend/unfollow faster than lightning. I feel this My World will take some time but will be the social commerce to be able to have the right platform to advertise. As a seller, you can promote your items for sale on your page while also describing yourself in 250 characters. As a user you can follow sellers/buyers, follow products/brands, add collections (Pinterest style) and also display any Guides you’ve written.

How do I edit my World?

Go to: http://www.ebay.com/usr/eBayUSERID.  Or just click your eBay User ID in the top left corner.
Some examples so you know how to get there (and examples of great pages):

Now that you’re on your page, click Edit Profile next to your image and here’s what you need to do:

  1. Upload your logo or possibly a staff photo. This is social commerce and people want to connect with the seller just like they walk in the door of your store.
  2. Use all 250 characters to describe your store. This may seem useless but this is where the Search Engine Optimization comes into play. You can advertise your website here without linking (no HTML) and also add the brands you sell, the city you work in and build in any keywords that can draw people to your store.
  3. Add a cover image. The dimensions you want to use are: 1200×270 and the max size is 4 MB. Or just upload a good photo and it’ll resize for you.
  4. Start following sellers you frequently buy from. This is a social platform so start making friends! When you’re on a listing, you will see “Follow this seller” in green below their eBay ID.
    eBay My World: Adding Members
    You can also start following Search terms. Give it a try: type in a search term and you’ll see “Follow This Search”. Now on your front page of eBay.com the newest items from your friends and search terms will populate here.
    eBay My World: Saving Search
  5. Create Collections. Similar to Pinterest boards except these are actually items you can buy. For those that like to Pinterest clothing styles, electronics, furniture, home goods, it would be a great idea to switch to using eBay My World for products you can potentially obtain and Pinterest for ideas and inspiration.
    eBay My World: Collections

There you have it - the new eBay: My World social commerce. Maybe soon we’ll see an addition to their mobile app?


SellerVantage is an inventory management solution for consignment and retail.